Goodbye Pack 539

- 1 min read

My son joined GNFC Pack 539 in fall of 2015. I was quickly suckered into convinced to be the Cubmaster, which I think started in fall 2016 (this was pre-pandemic: anything before 2020 was 30 years ago, but also 2021 will be “last year” for the rest of my life).

Then BSA allowed girls to join, and so my tenure continued! I’ve been splitting my time between Pack and Troop since 2020, but tonight that ended. It was the Pack’s (now part of Western New York Scout Council) crossover ceremony, ending the scouting year.

(my daughter is not crossing over into a troop, though that may change in the fall if the pilot program BSA – soon to be Scouting America – is running for mixed troops pans out)

It was a heck of a run, and I spent the last two years of it as Den Leader instead of Cubmaster. I’ll miss the pack! But now I can be fully focused on the troop, including our Philmont trek next summer. Stay tuned.